Friday 27 November 2009

A lot of rot?

I was reading an interesting article about the properties of urine in the process of decomposition.

Apparently, gardeners at Wimpole Estate in Cambridgeshire are urging people to try 'peeing' on their green waste because it is good for the environment. The proprties in urine are meant to stimulate the rotting process and it saves water too (i.e. you don't need to flush the WC).

As a child, emptying one's bladder on the compost heap was part and parcel of growing up. Nowadays, however, you would probably be summonsed on charges of indecent exposure or anti-social behaviour...

Monday 2 November 2009

More autumn colour

It was nice to see the Telegraph picked up on my autumn trees stuff, putting their best 20 trees for a small garden.

The acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku', which goes a vivid yellow at this time of year, was particularly striking while the "berry appeal" of the Sorbus vilmorinii (Maountain Ash) brings an additional point of interest as they turn from red to pink to white.

From the birch family, Betula medwediewii Gold Bark is especially lovely with foliage that appears to be bright gold.