Friday 29 May 2009

Rooster booster

My family think it's pretty bad to be prattling on about the benefits of chicken poo - but there you have it. When you find something that really does make a difference to the growth rate of your plants then it is in a gardener's nature to shout about it. I was slightly late in putting in my spuds this year but with a healthy layer of chicken pellets just above the surface of the soil - so that the stalks hit it just as they are coming up for air - really does spur them on. And if you have plenty of greenery on top then that is fuelling the potatoes underneath the ground. The nitrogen in the poo (which is available from good garden centres) is kinda like putting rocket fuel in a car and also provides a welcome boost for the cabbages, calabrese, wild rocket, cauliflower et al that I have planted up in the vegetable patch. They'll be outgrowing their cloches soon...

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