Tuesday 30 June 2009

Situations Vacant: Hermit

An interesting request from the organisers of the Tatton Park Flower Show, Cheshire, which takes place from July 22-26. Head gardener, Sam Youd, is appealing for a modern-day hermit to take residence in his ‘Hermit’s Grotto’ garden.

The successful candidate must have an unkempt natural appearance, take a vow of silence for the duration of their occupancy, be prepared to live in a grotesque cave and have an interest in human skulls. Applicants can be male or female and must be over 18.

Interested? Email hermit@trustfido.co.uk or call the hermit hotline on 0161 274 3311. An interview may be required...

1 comment:

  1. I think my brother-in-law will be perfect for the job. I shall forward this to him immediately!
